Planning Permission secured for a Canal side residential Development. Eight new 3&4 bedroom family houses with a direct view of the New River Canal in a new secluded residential development.
Somorjay Talliss Architects secure Planning Permission for a new mixed use Development in Watford. Computer Generated Image of the Nine new 1&2 Bed Apartments Building and brand new Health Clinic to the south of 73 – 83 Tolpits Lane, Watford.
Planning Approval achieved for a new brand development of eleven apartments in Reading. At Somorjay Talliss we were able to secure a sustainable solution for the redevelopment of the Red Lion Public house. The existing Red Lion Public House has been abandoned and in a state of disrepair for several years.
The new building extension for a multi-purpose functional room for the Kew Community Trust has been successfully completed at St. Luke’s Church, Kew. If you want to know more about the Kew Community Trust, please look at its websites: The Avenue Club: The Avenue Halls: Thank you for visiting our website.
Delta dwelling is the latest prototype designed by Stephen Talliss to meet the highest efficiency. These houses are designed for construction on sites at the water’s edge or in areas of pronounced flood risk. In simple terms each house comprises two 9m x 6m x 3m boxes inserted within a structural frame that projects over the water. The intention is…
Great News. Planning permission was granted to the Kew Community Trust. This social enterprise is based in St. Luke’s Church, Kew. Following its success in offering a range of recreational activities to the whole community, the Trust was interested in building a new extension to expand their existing premises. Existing Plans: Planning granted – Proposal plans: If you want to…